Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Unit 3 Lesson A & B

Unit 3, Lesson A

Write 4 sentences about yourself or people you know. Use the ideas from above.
1. A new couple has just moved into the apartment next to us.
2. My parents have traveled a lot over the past few years.
3. I have been extremely busy in the last few days.
4. My brother has had some good luck since he finished school.

Unit 3, Lesson B

Write 5 sentences about an interesting experience you’ve had. Use the past perfect and time expressions.
1. Last week I stayed up all night because i had received a lot of homework.
2. I was tired by the time I had finished all my homework.
3. I had already fallen asleep before 11:00 pm.
4. She had studied English before she moved to Mexico.
5.  She only understood the movie because she had read the book.

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