Monday, April 18, 2016

Page 43 & Page 151

Page 43, Exercise 3 “The best advice”

Which advice in the article on page 42 is most relevant to you right now?
The most relevant advice for me is to evidence I can work well with others. I think is important to show that you can work with others without problems, it’s important in order to successfully finish a project.

What do you personally need to do to make sure you land your dream job?
Always look for work experience related to your job and it’s also important to show interest in moving ahead in your career.

What else do candidates need to do to stand out in today’s job market?
I think one of the most important thing candidates need right now is to always look to move ahead on the career, always look to improve, and explain the company how you can save them money.

Page 151, Unit 4, Lesson B, Exercise B

Around what time do you go to bed at night? I usually go to bed around 12:30.

Did you have breakfast this morning? I usually don’t eat breakfast before the school.

Have you ever wanted to take a nap after a big lunch? I don’t like to sleep after eating lunch.

Do you do anything regularly for exercise, like go to the gym? I often walk or run for exercise.

Have you ever taken a pet with you to the work or to the school? I have never taken a pet to the school.

Do you go straight home after work? I usually go straight home after class.

Do you ever do anything fun after class, like go to a restaurant? Sometimes I spend time with friends after class.

Would you like to have flexible hours at the office? I would love to have flexible hours at the work, I think it have a lot of benefits.

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