Friday, April 29, 2016

Hello Alfredo

I really like your blog. It is very interesting and I am surprised at how well you write in English. That is great. I am sure I will continue to enjoy visiting and reading what you post.
Good job!! :)

Ms. Julia :)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Writing Exam 1

Sometimes we don't spend enough time with our family, we think we don't need  them, or we simply think we can spend time later. A lesson to me was the importance of family. A few years later I always said I didn't need to spend so much time with my family and also that i didn't had time for them. At that time I was like  12 - 13 years old. Then when we last expected my mother got sick, and she needed to stay on the hospital, so I had to stay at home with only my brother. It was a unexpected experience, everything changed for both of us. After school we had to go home walking, cook for us something to eat, clean the house, and nobody to talk about our day. We lived like that for 2 month and half. After that experience i understand the importance of the family. I think is really important to spend time with them, even if it's only a little bit of time, maybe just to talk of our day. I think family we normally don't give them the time they need, but after that experience it changed me, and we have a better relation between all of us. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Page 43 & Page 151

Page 43, Exercise 3 “The best advice”

Which advice in the article on page 42 is most relevant to you right now?
The most relevant advice for me is to evidence I can work well with others. I think is important to show that you can work with others without problems, it’s important in order to successfully finish a project.

What do you personally need to do to make sure you land your dream job?
Always look for work experience related to your job and it’s also important to show interest in moving ahead in your career.

What else do candidates need to do to stand out in today’s job market?
I think one of the most important thing candidates need right now is to always look to move ahead on the career, always look to improve, and explain the company how you can save them money.

Page 151, Unit 4, Lesson B, Exercise B

Around what time do you go to bed at night? I usually go to bed around 12:30.

Did you have breakfast this morning? I usually don’t eat breakfast before the school.

Have you ever wanted to take a nap after a big lunch? I don’t like to sleep after eating lunch.

Do you do anything regularly for exercise, like go to the gym? I often walk or run for exercise.

Have you ever taken a pet with you to the work or to the school? I have never taken a pet to the school.

Do you go straight home after work? I usually go straight home after class.

Do you ever do anything fun after class, like go to a restaurant? Sometimes I spend time with friends after class.

Would you like to have flexible hours at the office? I would love to have flexible hours at the work, I think it have a lot of benefits.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Unit 3 Lesson A & B

Unit 3, Lesson A

Write 4 sentences about yourself or people you know. Use the ideas from above.
1. A new couple has just moved into the apartment next to us.
2. My parents have traveled a lot over the past few years.
3. I have been extremely busy in the last few days.
4. My brother has had some good luck since he finished school.

Unit 3, Lesson B

Write 5 sentences about an interesting experience you’ve had. Use the past perfect and time expressions.
1. Last week I stayed up all night because i had received a lot of homework.
2. I was tired by the time I had finished all my homework.
3. I had already fallen asleep before 11:00 pm.
4. She had studied English before she moved to Mexico.
5.  She only understood the movie because she had read the book.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

FW: Assignment


Please do Exercises A, B, and C in a reply to this post.

Ms. Julia Garza

Everyday work on building your 
dreams, or others will hire you
to build theirs.



"When i was 17, i wanted (want) to go to college, but i didn't finished (not finish) high school. I needed (need) one more credit, so i decided (decide) to take art history at night school. It was great. [5] I have always liked (like) art - even before i took that course. [3] The teacher was (be) pretty cool. She played (play) classical music in class. [1] I guess that's when i learned (learn) to love Mozart. [4] She asked (ask) us to write an essay until the night before it was due because i ... (work) at my uncle's store all semester. I sat down to write , but i left (leave) all my art books at work. I only had (have) a book of  van Gogh's letters to his brother, Theo. Also, I forgot (forgot) to buy paper. So for my essay, I wrote (write) letters from Theo to Vincent on my mother's fancy writing paper! My teacher loved (love) it. [2] I leave things till the last minute. It often works out!"


  1. When i think about it,
  2. It's no wonder that 
  3. Looking back, 
  4. Anyway, getting back to my story,
  5. So anyway, 
  • My feeling is that...
  • It's possible that...
  • What's interesting is that...
  • What I'm saying is that...
  • I think that...
  • You know what i think?
My feeling is that is fair that he got a good grade because he did the work like anyone else, It's possible that all the event's that ocurred to him helped a bit to make the work better. What's interesting is that he was out of paper and only had her mother fancy paper. What I'm saying is that it's a luck how all the events ocurred to him. I think that it's not wrong the leave things to the last minute, but we dont have to leave everything to the last minute.