Tuesday, March 29, 2016


My name is Alfredo Calvillo, I'm 18 years old, and I'm from Mexicali.

I'm studying Mechatronics engineering in UVM. I think i don't have many important highlights in my life, but in this post i will talk about the ones i remember.

One of the highlights I'm choosing for this post is when i was young and my family gave me a dog. It was my first pet and quickly he became part of the family. Another highlight is when i finished high school, i think it was important for me because i had many problems trying to understand most of the subjects but in the end with a lot of hours studying i finished it with a good grade.

And last is when i learned a bit of programming and robotics, then i started to study a bit of programming on Internet and books. I signed up for a course that involved a bit of programming and robotics but using only Lego, it was fun and a good start, in the course i learned how to make a robot and program it to do a specific task like walk following a line, or separate some objects based on the color. At the end of the course i got some interest on programming and i looked for some courses on Internet and started to learn a bit on my own.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday March 14, 2016

Please answer the following questions in a comment under the post. Be sure your answers are in complete sentences.



Ms. Julia Garza

Everyday work on building your 
dreams, or others will hire you
to build theirs.


What’s your favorite food? How often do you eat it? My favorite food is Pizza; I eat it 1 time per week.

Describe an everyday meal from your country and tell how to prepare it. I think the everyday meal is Tacos, it’s easy to prepare them, and they usually prepare them with a Tortilla, fold it and filled it with anything you want.

Can you give some examples of fast food (also: junk food)? Hamburger, French fries, Pizza, Hot dog.

What do people usually eat on a special holiday (like New Year)? People usually eat tamales on New Year.

If you visited a country where people ate snake or dog, would you try it? I prefer not to try it, unless it’s a common food there.

What’s the strangest food you have ever eaten? I haven’t eaten strange food.

Which country do you think has the best food? I like Mexican food and also Japanese food, so I

think they have the best food.

How often do you eat fast food? Like 1 or 2 times in the week.

Have you ever eaten Japanese food? Did you like it? Yes, I liked Japanese food.

Have you ever eaten insects or snails? Would you like to try them? No, I don’t want to try them.

Who usually does the cooking in your family? Usually my mother cooks in my family.

How often do you eat in a restaurant? I rarely eat in a restaurant.

What food do you refuse to eat? Why? I refuse to eat dog, because I think it won’t taste good.

What are the most popular dishes in your country? Tamales, Tacos, Chilaquiles, Tostadas.

Can you cook? What is the last dish you cooked? Yes, the last dish I cooked was Tacos.

Is there a pet in your family? What does it eat? Yes, we have a dog. We give him dog food.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Last Rule and Tips

Rule 13: Comparative/superlative forms of words

Adjectives have inflections. That is, adjectives change in spelling according to how they are used in a sentence.

Adjectives have three forms: positive, comparative, and superlative.

The simplest form of the adjective is its positive form. When two objects or persons are being compared, the comparative form of the adjective is used. When three or more things are being compared, we use the adjective's superlative form.


brave, braver, bravest

happy, happier, happiest

Note: Words of more than two syllables form the comparative with more and most:

beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful.

resonant, more resonant, most resonate

Last few reminders
Don't split infinitives (incorrect: "to slowly walk" correct "to walk slowly"
Don't use slang (chirp) or clichés (cold as ice)
Either goes with or; neither goes with nor
When referring to a country, don't use "they"
Example: The US is the richest country in the world. They have the highest GNP. (It has the highest GNP.)

Ms. Julia Garza

Everyday work on building your 
dreams, or others will hire you
to build theirs.

Last Rule and Tips

Rule 13: Comparative/superlative forms of words

Adjectives have inflections. That is, adjectives change in spelling according to how they are used in a sentence.


Adjectives have three forms: positive, comparative, and superlative.


The simplest form of the adjective is its positive form. When two objects or persons are being compared, the comparative form of the adjective is used. When three or more things are being compared, we use the adjective's superlative form.



brave, braver, bravest

happy, happier, happiest 


Note:   Words of more than two syllables form the comparative with more and most:


beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful.

resonant, more resonant, most resonate


Last few reminders

  •         Don't split infinitives (incorrect: "to slowly walk" correct "to walk slowly"
  •         Don't use slang (chirp) or clichés (cold as ice)
  •         Either goes with or; neither goes with nor
  •         When referring to a country, don't use "they" 
    Example: The US is the richest country in the world. 
    They have the highest GNP. (It has the highest GNP.)


Ms. Julia Garza


Everyday work on building your 

dreams, or others will hire you

to build theirs.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Should songs with violent lyrics should be banned?

In my opinion violent songs shouldn´t be banned.  I think songs are the instrument artists use to express how they feel, or to communicate any idea. Violents songs can lead to bad consequences, so i think they shouldn´t be banned neither promoted. I think the artists are free to write what they want on the songs, but if its too violent or promotes something incorrect, then they should do something. In case the song has something wrong i think they should leave it that way and ban it on radio, tv, etc. but leave it like that on the artist disc or webpage.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

4 Phrases

Sweep you off (of) your feet

  • Impress you, cause you to love him.

Fall in love

  • When you start loving someone.

Thinking out loud

  • When you are thinking and at the same time saying everything on your mind.


  • When something always stays young, it never grow old.


  • She swept me off my feet when i saw her for the first time.
  • You fall in love when you can't stop thinking on her.
  • He thinks out loud when he is thinking.
  • There is people who is evergreen, they never feel old.